
Chuckanut Beer Now in Bottles!

There’s always a silver lining to a storm cloud and lucky for Chuckanut beer fans, it’s coming in the form of bottled Chuckanut Beer! The Coronavirus has made us all more creative with how we get our great beer to those who want it, just not at a favorite restaurant or pub. Instead, it’s got to be in the form of beer to go. Chuckanut is now offering its world-famous, award-winning beers in half-liter bottles!

Chuckanut_Brewery_Kolsch_BottlesChuckanut bottled beer will be available from NW Beverages in Washington state, Day One Distributors in Oregon, Dickerson Distributing in northwest Puget Sound and West Craft in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Chuckanut beer in half-liter bottles can be found at Metropolitan Markets, PCC, Town & Country and smaller bottle shops in the Puget Sound region. In Portland Chuckanut bottles will be located at Market of Choice, New Seasons Markets and smaller bottle shops and in the northwest Puget Sound it is on the shelves of the Community Food Co-op, Elizabeth Station and other grocers.

The first to be distributed around the Puget Sound, Portland, OR and Vancouver, BC areas is Kolsch, the current Gold Medal World Beer Cup winner that is a light-bodied soft malt-flavored ale that gives way to a crisp finish. Kolsch German Style Ale has undergone cold conditioning resulting in a slightly fruity aroma, effervescent quality, and smooth, easy finish. Great with sandwiches, seafood and any spicy foods it is a winner of multiple awards at the Great American Beer Festival (4 medals), World Beer Cup (2 medals), North American Beer Awards (5 medals) and WA Beer Awards (4 medals) since 2011.

Watch for other bottled Chuckanut beers in the future as these will come on-line as time permits. Whenever you reach for a Chuckanut beer you will be glad you did, they are always elegant, delicious and easy to drink!

Chuckanut’s New Beers for Early Spring

Spring is in the air, the sun is showing its bright face bringing beer to our mind! Chuckanut has the crispies to keep you going as the weather warms and you get more active. The newest Chuckanut collaboration is with Zeeks Pizza called Zealander Pilsner. The big kahuna of this sessionable pilsner is New Zealand grown hops Rakau and Wai-Iti. These hops play together to give the beer a mixture of stonefruit, lemon and lime notes against a malt backbone of classic German Weyermann malts. Crisp, hoppy, and bold the Zealander Pilsner is begging to be had with your next slice of pizza.

Chuckanut’s Irish Dry Stout will be out soon, just in time to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. Different from our regular winter seasonal Stout this traditional Irish style stout has an espresso-like flavor from the use of roasted malts. Lower in alcohol, it finishes dry and crisp and is made for celebrating. Very similar in tastes to the granddaddy of all stouts “Guinness” but more local!

Marzen Lager (March Bier) appears later in March to help celebrate spring. In Germany, this style was held in ice caves and brought out in March at the beer gardens. Amber and incomparably smooth with a round and slightly sweet palate, its spicy flavors complement the deep toffee-like aroma. Chuckanut Marzen has an appetizing bitterness that serves to balance rather than challenges the malt underpinnings. Its complicated malt bill makes this traditional Marzen one of the most tantalizing of lagers! Great with burgers and bbq now that the weather is changing and we start grilling.

Don’t forget the Doppelbock that was released for Valentine’s day. Third, in our big bier series, this is a smooth, dark rich lager with lots of dark, dried fruit flavors, and a balanced clean finish. Watch out for this beer with its 7.4% ABV it’s a lot easier to drink than you think!

Citra Leaf Pilsner continues its role as the hoppy lager of choice. Using Yakima Chief Citra Leaf hops in a basic Chuckanut Pilsner recipe this beer is for the hophead that wants a clean, citrus-inspired crispy Pilsner. Chuckanut intends to continue to brew this delightful hoppy lager year-round. If you don’t see it in your favorite beer joint, ask for it. It’s becoming a big favorite of Chuckanut fans.

Chuckanut’s New Biers for January 2020

Yes, we made it through the holidays and now we just have to get through the rest of winter. Chuckanut Brewery has help on the way with some exciting new and familiar beers that everyone loves. Of course, many of the beers are in limited quantities so make sure to try them when you see them because who knows if they will be there the next time you return!

Italian Style Pilsner is a collaboration with Chuck’s Hop Shop in Seattle and it was tapped December 27 but it’s almost gone! Wow, that went fast but you can still find it at Chuckanut’s two locations and Chuck’s until it’s gone. This is the hot pilsner style everyone is talking about these days. Using Italian grown pilsner malt as a backbone that delivers graininess and a slight honey sweetness it takes a back seat to the star of this beer, the hops. Noble hops Hallertau & Tradition are used for a clean bitterness and Tettanger & Saaz for flavor and aroma. This is a German Pilsner on steroids, highly drinkable with huge notes of spicy and herbal hops.

Rhinebier Ale is a new take on the Chuckanut classic Kolsch. Kolsch is specific to Cologne Germany on the Rhine river and with that in mind, Rhinebier is old school Kolsch meets new-school flair. Old School Mittlefruh hops interplay with new school Mandarina hops to give a pronounced orange zest character upfront that gives way to the classic grainy malt character of the traditional Kolsch. This ale has notes of graininess and malt with a refreshingly clean finish. 4.8% ABV, 25 IBU.

Schwarz Bier returns, “may the Schwarz be with you”! This black, coffee and bitter chocolate lager finishes smooth and bright despite its dark color. The lingering espresso-like aftertaste makes you want more! 5.2% ABV, 24 IBU.

Rye Lager will return by popular demand. A drinkable light-colored amber lager with a unique spiciness due to the Rye malt rounded out with a creamy finish and winner of multiple awards specific for this style of lager. 5.7% ABV, 35 IBU.

NEW Single Hop Lager Centennial is the fourth rendition in the Single Hop Lager series. This lager uses one of the most influential PNW hops with flavors and aroma of pine, citrus, and peach. Solid bitterness, sturdy malt backbone, and great hop flavor make this Single Hop Lager Centennial stand out! 5.5% ABV 38 IBU.

If you’re lucky you still might find Dortmunder Lager and Rauch Marzen Lager, a great golden lager that is a stronger, fuller style of pilsner and the smokey amber lager, get them if you can. Bock plus Baltic Porter both parts of the Big Bier Series are still available too, this is the only time of year Chuckanut makes these styles since they take 3 months in fermentation. There’s a good supply of Dunkel Lager for the Chuckanut seasonal winter lager which is one of Chuckanut’s most awarded lagers! Any way you look at it enjoy a Chuckanut beer to warm you up in this cold, wet weather and you’ll make it through the winter!

Chuckanut Brewery December Biers

Wow it’s getting cold out there and Chuckanut Brewery has some awesome biers to warm you up starting with the Bock Bier. This strong, full bodied lager has been aged in the fermentation tank for almost 3 months. Chuckanut bock has notes of dark stone fruits with a smooth finish. Some describe Bock as a lighter weight barley wine. Following on the heels of the Bock will be the Baltic Porter, due out after December 16. Another heavy weight in the world of lagers (yes it’s really a lager beer) Chuckanut Baltic Porter has an ABV of over 8% but goes down deceptively easy. Even more body than the Bock and darker brown, almost black in color, the Baltic Porter was brewed by Baltic countries who liked the English Porter and the Russian Imperial Stouts. They used their lager yeast to brew this heavy duty strong lager. Chuckanut has bottles of Bock now and will have the Baltic Porter in bottles just in time for Christmas.

Chucknaut Stout is the seasonal ale for winter at Chuckanut Brewery. The 2019 rendition of Stout has notes of coffee, roasted malts and chocolate. A small addition of oats amp up the creamy mouthfeel without becoming overly sweet and a velvety smoothness coats the palate with hints of biscuit and toast. The malts in this Stout are an international affair with Pilsner, Munich (German), Chocolate and Roast Malts (UK and Argentina) and Oats (USA). German hops provide a clean bitterness while accenting the roasted flavors. A perfect Stout for our wet weather!

Citra Leaf Pilsner continues to please local hop heads with it’s Yakima Chief Citra Leaf hops highlighted in a Chuckanut basic pilsner recipe. Lots of citrus flavors and aromas in a clean, crisp and effervescent lager make this beer easy to drink and super refreshing.

The new Italian Style Pilsner comes out the week of December 16. This collaboration lager with friends at Chuck’s Hop Shop highlights the up and coming new style of Pilsner originated in Italy with Tipopils from Birrificio Italiano in Italy. Chuckanut has used Italian grown Pilsner malt to lay down a backbone that delivers graininess and slight honey sweetness. But the star of the show is the Noble hops: Hal­lertau Perle & Tradition for a clean bitterness and Tettanger & Saaz for flavor and aroma. This is a German Pilsner on steroids! A highly drinkable lager with huge notes of spicy and herbal hops.

Chuckanut Brewery Wins at Great American Beer Festival

Chuckanut has done it again; this time Chuckanut Brewery has brought home a Bronze Medal from the Great American Beer Festival 2019 for Fest Bier. The GABF competition is only for U.S. breweries, and the competition for a GABF medal is as fierce as ever. Judges examined 9,497 beers from 2,295 American breweries.

Bronze medal-winning Fest Bier is a modern style, golden lager like the one served in Munich at their Oktoberfest celebration every year. Chuckanut Fest Bier emphasizes the use of Vienna malts for a smooth, quaffable Oktoberfest beer light in color with a 5.5% ABV and 22 IBUs. The aroma and flavor are lightly malty with a hint of Noble hops. This medium-bodied lager finishes crisp and smooth for a beer to enjoy in multiple quantities in liter mugs! Chuckanut Fest Bier is delicious with festival foods like brats, roasted chicken, roast beef and fish on a stick!

South Nut’s Tap Room is in the heart of Skagit Valley, 11937 Higgins Airport Way, Burlington and welcomes guests of all ages

Chuckanut Biers for September

Time to get out those hoodies and jackets, the sun is getting lower in the sky and it’s time for Oktoberfest! Fall is in the air and now’s the time for a change in beers. Chuckanut’s modern Fest Bier is out in the market already. Fest Bier is made to reflect the current Oktoberfest beers brewed in Germany, a golden lager meant to be consumed in liter sizes. But if you are looking for the old Marzen style Oktoberfest beer you are in luck. Chuckanut’s Old Fest will be out in the market soon. It’s fun to have both the Old Fest and Fest Bier on tap at the same time to experience the difference between old and new. Old Fest has an amber color, lots of malt flavors and a bit more rich than the Fest Bier. Similar ABV’s but a difference in color and flavor these two make great options for any Oktoberfest or fall beer drinking activities.

If you haven’t tried Chuckanut’s answer to the Bitburger Pilsner Challenge of making a German style pilsner lager you need to. If you had a blindfold on while drinking Nutburger you could swear you were sitting in a local German bierstube. Nutburger Pilsner is perfect to quench your thirst or accompany a good meal. With an ABV of 4.9% you can easily drink this one from a liter mug on your patio! Milder in flavor and strength than our normal Pilsner it’s a nice change and more delicate in than most Bohemian style pilsners. If you are looking to change up your Pilsner options this one’s for you.

With the Great American Beer Festival coming up our usual German style beers are coming out. Here’s your chance to catch up on the beers you love from Chuckanut. The collection includes Helles Lager (golden breakfast beer from Munich), Dunkel Lager (dark and delicious full of chocolate and coffee flavors), Mexican Style Lager (perfectly light in style and body, great with a dash of lime), Dortmunder, Rauch Helles, Rye Lager, Sticke Alt (dangerously smooth but high in ABV) and of course our regular Pilsner, Kolsch and Vienna Lager.

The Scarlet Ale (previously known as Ruby Ale) has returned as our seasonal ale for late summer to fall season. Considered uncommon in the world of beers today Chuckanut is excited to rediscover this old English style, sessionable ale. Its medium body is highlighted by toasted malt flavors balanced with hops, making Chuckanut Scarlet Ale a satisfying any-time-of-day tipple!

Chuckanut Brewery Midsummer Beers

Now that summer has arrived and in full swing, Chuckanut Brewery has some new beers to release. The new Dinkel Lager is now on tap at North Nut in Bellingham and soon at South Nut. This is not a misspelling of Dunkel! Dinkel is German for spelt, an ancient grain. Chuckanut Dinkel Lager uses 50% malted spelt giving this lager a creamy mouthfeel and flavors reminiscent of fresh baked bread. The use of spelt combined with new world Experimental Hop #04190 culminates in a malty, fruity beer with a creamy finish!

Nut to the Future is a collaboration with the new Seattle brewery Future Primitive made for the Beer Prom event in Bellingham. This prom date beer is a California Common with a German twist. Using lager yeast but fermented at higher temperatures Nut to the Future has the classic character of a California Common. But the all German malt bill of Pilsner, Munich and Vienna malts, mashed up with new age German hops gives this German Common an amber hue and bready, slightly sweet flavor.

The Scarlet Ale (previously know as Ruby Ale) has returned for late summer to fall season. Considered uncommon in the world of beers today Chuckanut is excited to rediscover this old English style, sessionable ale. Its medium body is highlighted by toasted malt flavors balanced with hops, making Chuckanut Scarlet Ale a satisfying any-time-of-day tipple!

Fest Bier 2019 will be released in August to prepare everyone for the coming of Oktoberfest (at Chuckanut’s North Nut September 14). This golden lager emphasizes the use of Vienna malts for a smooth, quaffable Oktoberfest beer light in color just like in Munich, Germany. The aroma and flavors are lightly sweet with a hint of Nobel hops making this medium bodied lager crisp and smooth, perfect in liter mug quantities!

Chuckanut Brewery Wins Six Medals at North American Beer Awards

Chuckanut Brewery has been awarded 6 medals at the North American Beer Awards this year. The brewery received 3 Gold medals and 3 Silver medals from the 23rd annual blind tasting competition held in Idaho. Chuckanut’s Export Dortmunder Lager, Asian Style Lager and Alt Bier all won gold medals while the Mexican Style Lager, Maibock and Rye Lager all won silver medals.

Gold medal winning Chuckanut Export Dortmunder Lager is a burnished honey gold with a firm maltiness, medium-body, slightly sweet palate and a clean, dry finish. Dortmunder’s alcohol strength is stronger than Pilsner at 5.8% ABV. This beer style has been nearly lost in history as World War II was very hard on Dortmund and the beer was not brewed much after the war, Chuckanut tries to brew this delicious beer at least once a year. Chuckanut Asian Style Lager, gold medal winner, is brewed in collaboration with the Din Tai Fung Restaurants in Washington and Oregon. True to Asian style beers this lager is made with rice flakes for a light body, straw color, crisp and refreshing balanced lager. Balanced noble hops makes this the perfect accompaniment to Chinese style dumplings! This is the second gold medal for Alt Bier at NABA. The traditional German style old ale is malty with a snappy, hoppy finish and deep bronze in color, great with any kind of bratwurst.

Silver medal winning Mexican Style Lager is described as “sunshine in a glass”. Bright gold and using wheat malt from Skagit Valley makes this beer fresh and local as well as refreshing and sessionable. Maibock, silver medal winner, is the May Bock beer famous in Germany. Dark stone fruits, rich in body but light in color with moderate bitterness balancing out a slightly sweet, malt bill is easy to drink due to a lengthy lagering period of over 3 months. Rye Lager has won it’s first silver medal. Brewed rarely at Chuckanut this beautiful spicy amber lager is deep golden in color with lots of spicy flavors due to the generous portions of rye malt and spalt hops. The spicy rye bitterness is rounded out with a creamy finish for a unique lager. Enjoy all of Chuckanut’s well-made beers around Washington and Oregon states, prost!

Chuckanut Brewery June Beer Releases

With summer just around the corner Chuckanut Brewery released the Chuckanut Summer Pale Ale, with lots of hop presence and bright, dry finish this pale gold ale is perfect for summer. It will be stocked throughout the season around the Sound for drinkers looking for something hoppy without being heavy. Chuckanut Summer Pale Ale is filtered and naturally carbonated, for a slightly stronger version of a premium bitter with 5% ABV and 40 IBU’s.

Chuckanut Rye Lager is out now for those looking for an amber colored beer. Chuckanut’s Rye Lager is a deep golden light amber color, with a malty, toasty flavor due to generous portions of rye malt and Spalt hops. This unique beer has a spicy rye bitterness rounded out with a creamy finish! Rye beers are an old style that is re-emerging across the American craft beer scene and every time we release it people are curious to try it out don’t pass it by.

Have you tried the Chuckanut Export Dortmunder Lager recently? It’s a thing of beauty and back by popular demand. Dortmunder features more malt flavor and alcohol heft than a Pilsner or Helles (5.8% ABV). Golden in color it’s malt body and hop bitterness give this lager a crisp, dry finish. In good supply but the brewery is not sure when another batch will be available this year.

Rauch Helles is back just in time for the bbq season!! You don’t have to be eating BBQ to enjoy a Rauch Helles. Chuckanut’s Rauch Helles captures the unique smoky flavors of the Rauch Lager with the gentle easy-going nature of the Helles Lager. This interesting beer has a light malty flavor spiked with mild smoky overtones due to the use of beechwood smoked malted barley. Around Seattle and Portland, OR in limited supplies.

As you might know Chuckanut released the Mexican Style Lager as the Seasonal Lager at the end of April but it was decided to keep it in stock throughout July, Sometime in June Chuckanut will release the Helles for mid-summer drinking but the Mexican Style Lager will continue to be in stock as well around the NW. A true style Mexican lager, like Bohemia, it has just enough malt to give it body but light enough to drink in multiples. This is sunshine in a glass!

Yes Helles Lager will come out in June to the enjoyment of all! Helles is probably one of the most difficult lagers to brew because there is nowhere to hide, it’s a naked beer. Helles Lager won Silver at the GABF last year (as well as multiple other years) and is the beer from Munich, Germany. Gold colored, bready and malty with just enough hops to balance out the sweetness this is the beer you drink by the liter! Available through summer, it has more body than you might expect from its light gold color.

For those that are requesting dark beers we have Dunkel Lager (the most awarded beer in WA state at the GABF, and with 2 World Beer Cups) and Sticke Alt (high alcohol Alt made with more ingredients and aged longer, a bit pricey but well worth it!).

If amber colored beers are the your favorites look for Skagit Harvest Ale made with a variety of Skagit Valley malts, Marzen Lager and the Alt. Alt and Harvest are from the Ale category while the tantalizing malt flavors of the Marzen come with this clean tasting Lager. The Vienna Lager is available year-round too.

And for something completely different and hoppy,

Chuckanut’s New World Hop Ale is out. It comes from a growing category called GPA (German Pale Ale). Using new world varietal German hops Calista and Ariana that impart fruity aromas and bitterness to a pale ale recipe, it is super refreshing. Any Chuckanut beer is sure to please and refresh, Cheers!

Chuckanut Brewery Spring Beers

Now that spring has finally sprung we’re happy to announce some great Chuckanut Beers that will be available. We’ve got a new Single Hop Lager, New World Hop Ale, Mexican Style Lager, and don’t forget the Maibock (the last in the big lager series). Along with the new beers we have some other one offs that are only available every now and then. And don’t forget our standard award winning beers for some very morish (you want to drink more and more of them) European Ales and Lagers.

First up is the new Single Hop Lager: Vic Secret is the single hop that’s used in this reoccurring lager exploring hops from around the world! Have you tried it yet. The last Single Hop was with Citra, now’s your chance to see what Vic Secret from Australia is like in a clean lager beer. When Brewmaster Will Kemper was in Australia they went to the hop farm that created Vic Secret. That hop farm is located in the state of Victoria and wanted to call the hop they created Victoria Secret. But they double thought that and instead called it Vic Secret!! It’s a very aromatic, fruit forward hop with great flavors of pineapple and citrus. Clean and bright with fruit aromas and notes in the taste alot of beer drinkers will love this for spring. It’s only in limited quantities and available at the Chuckanut locations and select accounts around the Sound.

The New World Hop Ale is out and it has lots of fruity aromas and tastes from new style German hops with a nice bitterness at the end. If you haven’t tried this seasonal ale it’s time to get a taste. Only German hops are used including Hull Melon and Hallertau Blanc for the fruity notes of melon and berries while Polaris gives it that nice bitter finish. This is the Seasonal Ale and will only be available til mid May.

Mexican Style Lager is on it’s way, just in time for Cinco de Mayo! This Chuckanut Seasonal Lager is ready early this year so you can enjoy it for your Cinco de Mayo celebrations. A true style Mexican lager like Bohemia, there’s just enough malt to give it body but light enough to drink for multiple toasts. This is sunshine in a glass!

Skagit Harvest Ale is a bit different this year. Made in honor of Skagit Valley it uses a selection of Skagit Valley malts including Francin Pilsner Malt, inspired by malts made in the Czech Republic. Spicy noble Czech Saaz hops amplify the spicy character of the skagit rye malt used as well. Golden and full of flavor this is an intriguing Czech American Hybrid Pale Ale!

And don’t forget the last of the big beer series Maibock heads to accounts and Chuckanut locations next week. This fuller bodied deep golden lager has been aged more than 3 months in fermentation tanks. Maibock (May Beer) is lighter in color then the other bocks, has a moderate bitterness balancing rich, bready flavors that are malt forward and strong. Watch out because this bock is dangerously drinkable.

For those that like dark beers you can find Dunkel Lager (the most awarded beer in WA state at the GABF!), Schwarz bier (black lager that even though it’s dark finishes really clean with espresso like notes) and Sticke Alt (high alcohol Alt made with more ingredients and aged longer, a bit pricey but well worth it!) around the Sound. Ethan’s Table Saison and a few Helles Lager can be found around the Sound too. These are light, sessionable, amazingly delicious beers. Ethan’shas a low ABV 2.7% but has alot of traditional farmhouse flavors while the Helles is a sparkling rendition of the Munich’s favorite beer drunk in liter mugs.

If you are looking for amber beers look no further than Alt (German style ale, dark amber in color with a spicy hop finish), Vienna Lager (the perfect malty yet light lager) and for a bit longer Chuckanut’s Marzen Lager (this is the traditional style of the Oktoberfest beers, malty and tantalizing).Whatever Chuckanut beer you drink it’s sure to be awesome and delicious!