Skagit Farm to Pint FEST 2019 Home Brew Competition
UPDATE: The Home Brew Competition is now sold out as of 12/31/2018. Good luck to all 50 brewers!
The 2019 Skagit Farm to Pint FEST home brew identicALE pale competition! Sign up at Northwest Brewers Supply starting Tuesday December 11th!
All home brewers take home the same bundle of ingredients:
5 gallon, All-grain pale ale recipe
Grains (Donated by Skagit Valley Malting)
-9 lb. Skagit Valley Malting copeland pale
-1 lb. Skagit Valley Malting munich
-.5lb. Skagit Valley Malting caramel 60L
Hops (Donated by North Sound Brewery)
2 oz. chinook
2 oz. centennial
2 oz. cascade
Yeast; (Donated by Northwest Brewers Supply)
1pk Wyeast 1056 American Ale Yeast.
Competition is limited to the first 50 entries! Brewers are to use all the grains provided, with no other additions. You can use any amount of the hops provided, with no other additions. You are to ferment your beer with the yeast provided.
You pay for entry and pick up ingredients at Northwest Brewers Supply starting Tuesday December 11th. Your competition entries must be dropped off at Northwest Brewers Supply by Saturday Feb. 16th (3x12oz amber colored bottles).
Entry fee is $30 which includes the above mentioned ingredients and 1 ticket to the Skagit Farm to Pint Festival (valued at $50). The winning beer will be brewed by Cardinal Craft Brewing and served at the Skagit Farm to Pint Festival. Proceeds from the Skagit Farm to Pint Festival go to the non-profit Viva Farms.